The tape ran only 30 minutes, but gave us a vivid impression of the horrors of nuclear war.
~について(人)に印象を与える: leave someone impressed with ~について(人)に違った印象を与える: give someone a different impression of 厳しい印象を与える: present a grim image 好ましい印象を与える: ingratiate oneself to another 素晴らしい印象を与える: give a neat impression of〔~の〕 一番強い印象を与えたこと: thing that struck someone most〔人に〕 一番強い印象を与えたもの: thing that struck someone most〔人に〕 彼の演技は観客にいい印象を与えた。: His performance made for a good impression on the audience. 彼女は最初の面接でよい印象を与えた: She gave a good account of herself in the first interview. 最も強い印象を与えたこと: thing that struck someone most〔人に〕 最も強い印象を与えたもの: thing that struck someone most〔人に〕 妙に懐かしい印象を与える: have a strangely sentimental effect upon〔人に〕 核戦争の恐れ: bugbear of nuclear war いい印象を与える 1: 1. give a good impression 2. impress ~ favorably いい印象を与える 2 strike the right note with〔人に〕 という強い印象を与える: give a strong impression that〔that以下〕